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Simple…yet very dangerous…

Slimes and oozes, as well as some other entities, are some of the most simple creatures an adventurer can encounter. They look harmless, just a lump of, well slime or ooze, with no discernable brain or other organs, mindless....and yet very deadly!

This publication gives you a series of tables to help with your descriptions of these creatures and maybe give you an idea of what they can do, from their colour, and preferred diet, to some unique quirks or features.

Note from the author

Whilst this description generator is named for Slimes and oozes, it can also be used for moulds, jellies and other such biologcally simple creatures with, relatively speaking, minor tweaking.

Inside you'll find tables for...

  • Approximate Shape
  • Behaviour/Personality
  • Colour (simple)
  • Consistancy/Texture
  • D/R/W (Damage/Resistance/Weakness)
  • Equivalent Speed
  • Preferred Diet
  • Preferred Habitat
  • Pseudopods
  • Reproduction
  • Size
  • Time Period
  • Type (Slime, ooze or something else)

Plus 2 xd100 tables for further customisation

  • Colour Table - Extended
  • Quirk/Feature

Updated 11 days ago
AuthorEnnead Games
GenreRole Playing
TagsGenerator, ooze, Slime


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In order to download this book you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Creature Description Generator 14 - Slime Ooze PF version.pdf 911 kB
Creature Description Generator 14 - Slime Ooze.pdf 3 MB
Errata Correction CDG 14 Slimes and Oozes.pdf 816 kB

Development log


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The equivalent speed table only has 9 entries instead of 20. I know the table is listed as “part 1”, but part 2 is nowhere within the book.


Ahh thanks for catching that - it was a rather silly error on my part. 

There is only one part to the table, i had copied the template for the table from another part of the PDF and  forgot to change the table title to "Equivalent Speed"

So it’s a d9 table, I assume.

From what i remember it was a d10 table with a 5-6 for human equivalent:

Applogies for the crude formating

D10Equivalent Approximate Speed
4Slow Humanoid
5 - 6Typical Humanoid
7Fast Humanoid

I'll see if i can bring out an errata/replacement table for that table as the original files are long gone, but for now treat the table as a d10 table and if you get a 10 then re-roll