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Not all zombies are the same!

When you think of a zombie, most have a pretty clear idea of what they look like. But what IS that mental image? Are all zombies the same?

After all, they were once people when they was alive and people come in various shapes and species so why not the zombie as well?

The CDG range is designed with a fantasy setting in mind, but can easily be used for sci-fi or modern/horror settings.

This CDG gives you ideas for

  • Apparent Previous Life - What was the zombie before they go turned?
  • Clothing - Is it smart and clean or ripped and covered in dirt?
  • Disfigurements & Wounds - What wound does the zombie have
  • Head - What is the state of their eyes, nose, mouth or even their ears?
  • Limbs - Are their legs intact or broken? What about their arms?
  • Movement - Do they shuffle or leap after you?
  • Size & Weight - Are they larger or smaller than the typical zombie?
  • Skin condition - Just how rotten is their flesh?
  • Sounds & Smell - Are the silent stalkers or screamers?
  • Quirks & Features - Whats makes certain indvidual zombies stand out?


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CDG 1 - Zombies pdf.pdf 2.2 MB

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